We're Talking Golf
We're Talking Golf
Kids, Parents & Golf -- Am I doing the Right things?
Should I get my child into golf? Or should I let them discover golf on their own? How early is too early? Or what should I do as a parent to support my child in golf?
These are just some of the topics that renown golf teacher Michelle Holmes shares with us in this episode. As golf grows in popularity throughout the world in places like the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, and Colombia among many others, one of the biggest areas of growth involves children and young people. As more and more children are brought into the sport it means that parents need to play an active role in supporting their children as their children embark on the journey of golf.
Some will join golf simply to play for fun, or to play with their friends who are learning the game too. Others will play because their parents want them too -- and others still play the game, dreaming of being like Brooke Henderson, Lydia Ko, or Lexi Thompson. Perhaps its Rory McIlroy, Collin Morikawa, or Jordan Speith that they admire. Regardless, many parents are asking themselves how to best encourage and support their child as they take up this difficult, challenging, and extremely rewarding sport.
You will want to listen in as Michelle Holmes shares her experiences in teaching and coaching children and parents in managing this journey.
Hello and good afternoon. Welcome to our day, as well as bringing you guests from around the world of episode, we will meet an incredibly delightful woman. She one golf in the United States. She is also a member of the PGA School of golf. She has become well known in golf circles for golf. If that wasn't enough, Michelle also coordinates an elite junior golf program, coaching those that aspired to move beyond the elite Junior listeners for sticking with us as we return from our autumn interesting and thought provoking. Now we'll take a for players who don't want to sacrifice beauty Homas Boris the coast of Japan. Bras I sue evokes a sense of pure awe and breasts ice in your bag, you will experience the pure Hello, we're back. Thank you for staying with us. One of the most is exciting and heartening. And that means more and more playing with their friends. Others be because parents want they aspire to be like Brooke Henderson, Lydia Ko, or perhaps Even more so with so many younger children getting to find their role and how they can support their children as parents, kids, golf, and everything you could want to keep in mind when you have a child in golf and how to help show. Thanks for joining us, Michelle.
Michelle Holmes:Thank you for having me, Doug.
Douglas Maida:It's our pleasure. Our pleasure. Thank
Michelle Holmes:No problem. The kids have shorty. Kids have been little bit more time to ourselves these days.
Douglas Maida:Great, terrific. So Michelle, Let's chat a little
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, so a little bit about me. I grew up very welcoming of junior golf and a strong golf club. I had an had a big impact on my future career choice. And I had a states and I played for you years of college golf at really loved what I saw my junior golf coach doing. And I I probably would have been an elementary school teacher. So as LPGA training, as an assistant Pro, I really got to see kind of that really kind of kind of settled it for me that I knew couple of years of beating the System Pro I decided to hand in really didn't have much of a business plan or anything back from there.
Douglas Maida:And as they like to say the rest is history.
Michelle Holmes:History, it's it's worked out pretty well so So I had to do a lot of groundwork back then I remember handed out brochures and in all the neighborhoods. And into it. And we've grown it to three locations. And we see five lot of different golf journeys.
Douglas Maida:sounds very interesting. I gather that assumption? Am I
Michelle Holmes:Yes, it's not that we don't. It's, it's, you know, 95% kids, but that's what it's grown to. And, and I guess yes, we're pretty much 95% kids at this point.
Douglas Maida:Right. Before we get into the kids programs a also have.
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, so and we do dabble a little bit in all what, as I always say to my lady students, it's nice to have biggest thing with our program with our adult program is my different aspects, whether it's coming for a lesson on the game. So that's been you know, the, the little bit of grown the goal is to make sure they're not just learning the different golf course and learn how to how to get out and be comfortable on
Douglas Maida:My experience too, in having friends who are going to play for the first few times am I doing things right?
Michelle Holmes:it was so intimidating. I mean, just even golf course and, and get out to that first day. And so yeah, the driving range to the golf course a little bit easier for
Douglas Maida:them. I take it, that's probably one of the of the biggest challenges is learning to take it from the
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, and that's why with our kids I would say, I teach 90% of my private golf lessons on the if we're doing a putting less since your first lesson with me, putting, we're trying to get that ball in the hole. And, you before, you know, we're at 100 yards, or 150, yards, and so on. much more fun for the kids that way. And every other sport like get stuck on the practice facility so much.
Douglas Maida:Right, right. And partially, I guess, too, because
Michelle Holmes:Exactly. And then as well, especially for get out there. And, you know, there's that stigma, their kids them comfortable on the golf course. And you know, teach them on the golf course as we can, we could sneak in, you know, the
Douglas Maida:Right? Well, that makes great sense. So tell me, you must have many of them, just judging from following you on
Michelle Holmes:Yes. And, you know, why do I love teaching feel like when I'm teaching kids, we're really are taking know, whatever that that family choose that journey to be. And their, you know, maybe package or for lessons, and then they life journey. It's not just about golf. But yeah, I mean, amazing things. And, you know, one of our juniors is just of our kids finish second in the world championships. And, you it's, it's just the, you know, the kid that maybe comes in and what they fall in love with the game, they put a bit of hard team or something? So it's not just the big things, it's those,
Douglas Maida:But tell us you mentioned the Augustus drive share with us? I mean, because you're working with that age
Michelle Holmes:Oh, it's huge. I mean, it's, it's huge, because try it. And so it's it's encouraging all the newer And so it just it just caters to a wider range array of golfers, is it hit three drives hit three chips, three putts. So and who are at playing at the higher level to have that reward of it's pretty cool to see. We were very fortunate that I think, and finals. And we're obviously going to go this year again with
Douglas Maida:Have you ever had any children come to you or to try out for that or practice and play and learn how to get
Michelle Holmes:Oh, for sure. I mean, there's no doubt about it Harry's and people say my kids saw it on TV and they want to
Douglas Maida:See it would it be fair to say that perhaps
Michelle Holmes:100% No doubt about it. As I always say it's, control.
Douglas Maida:Yeah, Well, we'll get into that a little bit later it's very much a family affair. So why don't you share how that and sibling and whatnot?
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, so I'm very fortunate I get to work tend to enjoy it. And, you know, this is our both Junior Golf is fortunate that we get to wake up every day and go to work and yeah, it's a lot of fun. And I think just the fact that the for our kids even more. So we're very blessed. We were very 600 kids through the door a year. So they keep us very busy. it's the fourth scores, to kids who are trading, you know, three know, even further. And, yes, it's a lot of fun. And one thing Girls, in fact, I actually think it's actually crept over 60% on that two of our main instructors are females. So that's think that's definitely a huge, huge help in that regard.
Douglas Maida:Oh, that's fantastic figures to get. I
Michelle Holmes:yes. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, when I when I can't really talk about that. But even five years ago, and I female side of the girl.
Douglas Maida:Oh, fantastic. I know that. industry wide, we've growth of golf over the last decade or so. And it's just been are seeing the LPGA on TV more and more?
Michelle Holmes:Oh, it's I think it's just so important. it's super important for them to say and you know, even for president of the PTA. I mean, just things like that are definitely a lot of positive things happen on the female
Douglas Maida:So tell us about. . . You said you have three
Michelle Holmes:So yeah, we are and we're based out of three public golf courses. And the Country Club is greenbar Country Kempsville greens in Virginia Beach and then Lambert's point
Douglas Maida:right. Did you say Greenbrier?
Michelle Holmes:yes Greenbrier Country Club.
Douglas Maida:Now that's . . .
Michelle Holmes:not the Greenbrier not the Greenbrier.
Douglas Maida:okay, I was gonna say Greenbrier had that
Michelle Holmes:I do love the Greenbrier. I've been up there a
Douglas Maida:I was gonna say, wow, you're looking at a place little bit about your experiences in teaching what you
Michelle Holmes:Okay, that sounds great.
Douglas Maida:Great. So we'll be right back and please stay Hi, we're back. Thank you for staying with us. We're with of golf. Michelle, I wanted to ask you something, let's say for of your golf courses, country clubs, something like that. And their, say your eight year old taking golf as a sport or
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, well, I my first, my first thing I them play. The next thing I would say is make sure you get know, with us kids golf, there is the correct equipment out sure you get them involved in a junior golf program. You know, I golf course is maybe not what your eight year old is going to involved in a junior program quite early, get them around early. And even if you know, you know, maybe you have a kid who's tournaments. Or, and that's great. Or maybe your kid just course is quiet. And you know, throwing a ball down at 50 yards going into the driving range and just beating golf balls for know, when you do bring your kid to the golf course, you're holes that it's so important to, you know, maybe play your eight so I think just creating a, you know, a fun experience for them what their fundamentals are golf swings look like?
Douglas Maida:You mentioned that you try to get the kids whatnot. What are some of your techniques or skills? I mean, help them keep their interest in golf and how they can avoid the mean, how do you keep it spiced up for them?
Michelle Holmes:You know, I see it all the time. Time, this is a sport. So I think that's our biggest job is, is just to make have a class of, let's say, five, a 45, middle class of for every, for every year of age, and I talk for one minute. let's say if I'm doing a lesson on speed, putting on instruct games that match whatever we have learned from the day. And I them, than they will for those seven minutes that if they've them out in the golf course. And again, just going back to the huge girls golf program on Friday evenings, and we bring based fun contests. So they're working in teams. And, you know, they're really the newer golfers because it's all team based. And the last hour, and it's a it's a social hour, whether it's a that the golf course is actually a fun place. And it's a it's a top priority early.
Douglas Maida:Yeah, that makes a lot of sense with the kids.
Michelle Holmes:Oh, it's so important. I mean, as I always love with it, and getting them asking, they're getting them to have a lot of good juniors come through our program. And our playing opportunities to make to show them the Golf is a good the good golfers come out of. So ya know, it all starts with the endless. I feel like a lot of parents, a lot of people create the passion. But really, the passion and fun has to come
Douglas Maida:Well, how do you on that topic? Then? How do you
Michelle Holmes:And yes, that's as I say, it's, that's my, mean, it's tough for parents, you know, parents are out there. bring their kids to practice every week. I mean, most people game, you know, they might be only having, you know, one to be doing some work with them in between lessons, too, right? them, and I can see where they can get get wrapped up on it. talk about goals. And we try and keep those goals realistic. And what we have to remember too, is even the parents that you see They're trying to do the right thing so doing this because they of time and we dedicate a lot of time helping these parents in
Douglas Maida:Right now. write well, that sounds like it's such how their role can can help improve that experience in that
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, yeah. I mean, we spend most of our time their children practice, and how to help their children practice battle of books. And, you know, as I said, most parents have
Douglas Maida:Earlier, a couple of minutes ago, we talked about kids golf. You mentioned the US kids golf program, for the as they're playing golf? And, and at what age? Do you think for a second, if you're not sure your child is interested in golf money on a set of equipment and the you know, sometimes let them their length, just to get them into it. I mean, how do you see
Michelle Holmes:I don't like seeing cut down clubs coming to equipment is just amazing. And, you know, it's it's lightweight. group size. And then it doesn't have to be expensive. I mean, us often what parents do. And they've ever been down to clubs who are maybe four or five and six years old, just getting into love the club, because the kids see such quick success with there right away, they're home. But yes, as far as equipment, it lessons. So it is you know, if you really do want your child to clubs, and to make sure that you're not sizing up I know no big, so that they can grow into them. But that's the worst thing their golf clubs are too long, I basically have to teach them the buy my nice clubs all the time. And I could I could buy our two important that she gets the correct fundamentals. And so I
Douglas Maida:Does the US Kids Club program, do a sort of
Michelle Holmes:And I'm not so sure about that. I know, you can selling, you know, to the next kid coming along. So we see a
Douglas Maida:Now for the US Kids Club program, do you Or is it a little bit more on the loose side.
Michelle Holmes:And so it's not as in depth as as you know, an down to your height and your swing speed. So they have the more beginner golfer with slower swing speed. And then the tour speed. So yeah, they've they've covered every range there. They everybody.
Douglas Maida:Right, right. Yeah. And it was funny. You said a lesson.
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, I mean, I really mean that too. I mean, big as me combined. Yeah. I'm quite difficult, and it's making And what did I do? I went into Dick's Sporting Goods. And I saw on the shelf, right? And she looked, you go into our tennis wrong? And he's like, this equipment. This isn't right for
Douglas Maida:She may coach you should know better, right?
Michelle Holmes:So I understand that it's, it's an easy mistake
Douglas Maida:Right, right. So how long is your niece been
Michelle Holmes:She doesn't really play tennis too much. She second sport is basketball. She loves basketball. And she does but yeah, she's just quite athletic. She likes any sport. soccer here and there too. Okay, cool.
Douglas Maida:Cool. In your experience, though, how golf?
Michelle Holmes:I think it's so important, I think just for the me, you know, I, I secretly want my, my niece to be a good see the benefits of it. So I think if any parents are out you have to have them in multiple sports, I mean, the there's so many things that they're going to pick up from just being on a team, learning about winning and losing working parents is, try and find a sport that your kid isn't decorator. I find something that they're not great. Because I think it's
Douglas Maida:And when you say not great at it, you mean in the better at it, like they to the same level that they do with
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, all of the above struggling to learn is off, you've got to golf, the game where the older you get, in, he's doing quite well through the teenage years, and important that kids are learning early. You know how to win and
Douglas Maida:Yeah, just the the pool of better golfers. And
Michelle Holmes:just Oh, exactly, exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
Douglas Maida:When would you suggest then that it would be mean, with the idea of becoming golf, becoming their primary
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, I think maybe around 12 or 13. I think, would still keep what are two other sports of the backburner? the winter. And they you know, they probably don't play too see ya, bye, 1213. I mean, I think for those who really want At that age, I mean, I think, you know, you're seeing these are starting to look at them. So I think for those who truly know
Douglas Maida:If you have as a coach, you have a new student that.
Michelle Holmes:And it's funny because, you know, when a late, you know, this is so young now. And, and you know, just kit, my niece, played in her first golf tournament, a four friends, they were going to go play on Sunday, she wanted to go truly, truly learned how to play the game, how to act on the golf seven years old. You know, she doesn't have to learn all that going back to what we're asking there, and you know, what a nine And you know, there's nine years, nine year nine year olds definitely the million dollar question with that. But again, fundamentals, I try and build the chip and try and build the them out of that golf course teach them about scoring, and situations.
Douglas Maida:And I presume at that stage, you're also talking posture, things like that, as well.
Michelle Holmes:And for me, as an instructor, I have a bit of a the next thing until we've got one thing correct. So I guess I do one, and pre swing fundamental, and one in swing as we get that down, and then we can move on and move on to the
Douglas Maida:Fantastic. I like your approach. Michel, at what about competitive golf? Say, for example, not just the US, the US elite young player, and maybe looking at a collegiate career,
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, I think in this day and age, so you got your juniors, but just I feel like a lot of people wait until one golf. So I think for parents, it's just important to out what tournaments they need to be playing in, get them things get expensive. But I think you definitely need to be think that's the biggest problem we see is, you know, to a lot of coaches just aren't going to look at that. And so I think as early as possible. Right.
Douglas Maida:Okay. Speaking of college golf, and you being from topic? So how big is that for women's golf in Ireland and States, but we're at a stage now where Leona is like, put it
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, she has done amazing things. So I came over to the states that was 2000 One. So Leona would have can amazing. And you know, the fact that she's the first Irish and definitely it's huge for, for Iris golf in general, not just and her sister girl off in the game and see what they did and
Douglas Maida:That's an aside How is how's the sport of golf?
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, I think I think pretty good. I think, you that if you want to grow your memberships, you've got to look of it. And you got to look at the junior side of it. And if chance to play golf too. So I think yeah, I think that's the too.
Douglas Maida:Yeah, terrific. So what's next for you? schools every day. But what's next for you?
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, I get asked that question a lot. Are And I really enjoy getting up and going to work every day. And a family environment within it. So I don't know that we're going tournaments for us kids golf, and Virginia State Golf to ask me, What would I like to do more of my career will be you know, becomes more of a social media thing or seminars
Douglas Maida:So if someone wants to enroll in your school, connected? Yeah.
Michelle Holmes:Yeah, social media is probably the best way social media is probably the easiest way to reach out. And golf, and we're on Twitter at homes golf. So you put the show
Douglas Maida:Terrific, terrific. Well, Michelle, keeping this a little bit on the shorter side for our interview. bit of a tough, tough cold and whatnot or being a little bit
Michelle Holmes:Thank you very much. Lovely to chat with you.
Douglas Maida:And that, ladies and gentlemen, is our show for our next show. And remember, if you're out there playing some
Amy (Studio):You have been listening to our podcast show. November 1 2022. If you have an idea for a future show, please lines. This show is the copyright of the world of golf.